Manually Saved Records

Manually Saved Records

Types of Altitude Data
Your watch stores two types of altitude data: altitude records and historical altitude values.

Manually Saved Records
Each altitude reading you take manually is stored along with the date and time of the reading as an “altitude record”. You can later recall an altitude record to view it.

* The watch has memory for storage of up to 40 records of various types. If you perform an operation that creates a new record while there are already 40 records in memory, the oldest record is deleted automatically to make room for the new one (page E-70). Note that altitude differential graph and altitude tendency graph information is not stored as part of an altitude record.

To save a reading manually

1. In the Altimeter Mode, hold C for at least two seconds.
  • REC and Hold will appear on the display first, and then Hold will disappear. Release C after Hold disappears.
  • The watch will create a record of the current altitude reading along with the date and time, and then return automatically to the altitude reading screen.
2.To view a record, enter the Data Recall Mode (page E-26) and use the A and C buttons to scroll . See “Viewing Memory Records” (page E-70) for more information.